After 14 December 2008…First things First…

"Time and tide wait for none”… Soo simple to say, and to write. But, the fact is, its absolutely true. I can’t say about tides, but I’m sure time has never waited for me or for my posts. In fact, I have waited for a time, to jump again in to my blog  
I never believed that a small electron is prime element of atom bomb and of a huge destruction. But after this above date, I started believing it, when a single click caused a mishap in my blog and on all my posts.
You should definitely believe that Photos we shoot carries our memories more powerful than our neurons. This last date (of posting) of me stood as such a memory for me and a milestone before these four “Short years”.
Life really goes fast. You can even imagine how fast it goes. It will be like my posts changing dates from 14 December 2008 to 5 September 2012. Very fast……with in a click…
Even I tried to develop my passion, jumping from a Blog to a website in these four years. And I am happy that I started my website and I have closed it too. And you should feel glad; I’ve been to twitter also. But, it needs a special talent of constraining thoughts to 140 Letters, in which I fail regularly…
Life has changed to a large extent in these four years along with technology. But my passion towards my Blog, made me to appear as a blogger once again. Of course, "situations" also made me to revert back to my blog.
Life has shifted from a small town to a metropolitan city along with a Dial Up connection shifting to Wi Fi connection. I should thank god for not deleting some of my dreams from my neurons, and Google people for not deleting my account. Because, I would like to share both them.
----()---- I am not sure that, I may get my previous posts back. It’s been a long time. But I am sure I will be having lots of posts in future. If you could passionately spare a minute, kindly subscribe to my blog once again, so that we could be in touch.

Life is always Good.



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